Risks and Vulnerabilities

These articles focus on specific risk findings and vulnerabilities. Learn how to resolve and mitigate common issues facing your organization.

Risks and Vulnerabilities

Risks and Vulnerabilities

How to Respond: OpenSSH Vulnerability CVE-2024-6387

Learn the best course of action for preventing Remote Code Execution through an exploitation of regreSSHion.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Email Messaging Protocols and Port Exposure

Learn more about email messaging protocols and how to protect exposed ports.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Internet of Risks: Cybersecurity Risk in the Internet of Things

With the continuing development of the Internet of Things come new attack surfaces and cybersecurity risk directly related to the IoT.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Programmable Logic Controllers and Cybersecurity Risk

Safety and security are critical when using programmable logic controllers for industrial manufacturing and critical infrastructure.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Critical Authentication Bypass Vulnerability in ScreenConnect (CVE-2024-1709)

Cybercriminals can chain vulnerabilities in ScreenConnect, leveraging authentication bypass first and then moving through the system with path traversal.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

A Grim Outlook for Microsoft with MonikerLink and Exchange Vulnerabilities

Dual vulnerabilities allow remote code execution, leaked credentials, and privilege escalation among Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

VPN Security Concerns

VPN internet connections protect web traffic through an encrypted tunnel, keeping sensitive data from interception. So what are the risks?
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Don't Git Attacked: How Git Protects Against Source Code Exposure

Git is widely used for version control of production code across industry sectors. Keep your repositories and your applications protected.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Hackers Ready to Go Anywhere with Critical Vulnerability in GoAnywhere MFT (CVE-2024-0204)

A critical authentication bypass exploit in the GoAnywhere MFT software allows unauthorized users to create admin users and bypass authentication.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and Cybersecurity Risk

DNSSEC creates additional security for your domain, protecting against a variety of DNS-related attacks.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Remote Access and Cybersecurity Exposure

Remote access is a powerful tool for configuration and system management, but it also introduces new risks around unauthorized access and unsecured network
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Connect Secure No More: Ivanti's Zero-Day Vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-21887 and CVE-2023-46805)

Two chainable zero-day vulnerabilities face Ivanti Connect Secure (ICS) and Ivanti Policy Secure (IPS): CVE-2023-46805 and CVE-2024-21887.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Exposure Risks with File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Because file transfer moves files over the internet, insecure file transfer ports create opportunities for malicious actors.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

Returning to the Office? Protect the Machines

Open ports that direct traffic to and from machines in the office could become an attack vector. Secure these ports to protect your sensitive data.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

How to Resolve Google Safe Browsing Risks

Understand what the risks mean and how to fix them when Google Safe Browsing flags your website for cybersecurity concerns.
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Risks and Vulnerabilities

How Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Provides Encrypted Communications

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange is a method for agreeing to and calculating a secret symmetric key between parties on a public network.
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