
Articles, news, and research on DevOps and best practices.



Boost Your Cybersecurity with DevSecOps

Explore how DevSecOps can significantly enhance your organization's cybersecurity posture by integrating security into your development process.
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Sumo Logic vs Splunk: Which Is Better For Big Data Log Analysis?

Sumo Logic is built for the cloud; even though Splunk offers a cloud option, Sumo Logic's architecture is built around log management and time series.
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Our Experience with Golang

We re-wrote our whole application in Go. Generally, it was very good but there are a few things missing in the language.
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11 Weird And Wonderful Uses For Docker [Infographic]

Docker is all the rage today—for more reasons than you would expect. Learn more about some interesting Docker use cases.
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Docker vs VMWare: How Do They Stack Up?

Docker is generally faster and less resource-intensive than a full VMware virtualization, but VMWare still has benefits—namely, security and isolation.
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Is CapitalOne's DevOps Dashboard Hygieia the Best?

Capital One needed a unified dashboard for all its DevOps tools, so it built its own open source DevOps dashboard called Hygieia.
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Ansible vs Puppet

Thus tools like Puppet and Ansible are fast becoming essential components for managing a large number of servers.
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5 Common Problems in Puppet Enterprise

Check out these 5 commonly encountered problems in Puppet Enterprise and how to go about resolving them.
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MongoDB vs MySQL

The MySQL vs MongoDB argument is in many ways a relational vs. NoSQL argument. Each one excels in certain scenarios and is ill-suited for others.
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Avoidance of Accountability: 5 Dysfunctions of a DevOps Team

The best way to hold your DevOps team members accountable is to clarify exactly what needs to be achieved and who needs to deliver what.
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TeamCity vs Jenkins for Continuous Integration

Jenkins is an open source tool, while TeamCity is a proprietary offering from JetBrains. Learn which is better for you with this in-depth post.
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Configuration & Security Management for DevOps

Read about the importance and crucial processes of configuration & security management for DevOps and how UpGuard can meet your company's goals.
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Chef vs Puppet

Puppet is like writing configuration files whereas using Chef is like programming the control of your nodes.
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PHP Vs Ruby: Which One Is Right for Your Needs?

Ruby and PHP are two of today’s best-known and widely used languages for web development. There are some major similarities between them - learn more here.
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Datadog vs SignalFx for Continuous Monitoring

Learn more about these two powerful SaaS-based monitoring platforms and see how they stack up in this comparison.
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Splunk vs ELK: Which Works Best For You?

How does open source ELK/Elastic Stack hold up against Splunk, the leading IT operations analytics platform on the market? Read more to find out.
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